How Do Polar Bears Communicate?

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) communicate with each other not only through words but also by actions. They speak to one another just like we humans do. One of their body postures is known as head wagging which is a sign of excitement and suggests that the bear wants to play. Polar bears also communicate through smell, sight, and touch. They

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Greenland Shark Eat Polar Bear

The Greenland shark is one of the largest shark species reaching a length of about 21 to 24 feet and weighs up to 2,200 pounds. Scientists were surprised to discover that Greenland sharks eat polar bears. They found remnants of polar bears in one of the shark’s stomach which was quite astonishing. However they do not know if shark ate

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Do Polar Bears have Tails? – Polar Bear Tail Facts

Yes, polar bears do have tails. However the size is so small that one can barely notice it. It is almost as if the bear lacks one. Arctic bears have tiny tails as is typical of all bears. Unlike other bear’s characteristics, tail appears to be quite irrelevant in polar bear’s behavioral adaptations. It doesn’t seem to be a defining

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Do Polar Bears Eat Whales?

A part from ringed seals polar bears also consume bigger prey animals such as whales. But they do not seem to actively hunt live whales (may be they do but very few evidences are there to support the argument). Depends on the location ice bears love to feed on whale carcasses. In the Western Hudson Bay, Beaufort Sea, and the Davis

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Do Polar Bears Eat Fish? | Do Polar Bears Eat Salmon?

Yes and probably no! Polar bears always prefer to hunt bigger animals such as seals or walruses. However during warmer months when the ice retreats and they are unable to hunt marine animals, polar bears fancy eating fish as their alternative food. Apart from that polar bears, unlike brown bears, do not often rely on fish for their daily consumption.

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In time of ancient gods, warlords and kings, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Xena, a mighty princess forged in the heat of battle. The power. The passion. The danger. Her courage will change the world.



Through this blog I am not only going to initiate the debate over polar bears—in fact I’ll be looking forward to initiating genuine wisdom and perspective on polar bears. The is a project which is designed to educate just about everyone including teachers, scholars, students, kids, and laymen but, above all, the polar bear lovers!